So if you have a friend, we'll call him Tayo.
Tayo is rich 🤑, he's not just a tech bro, he owns a tech company.
Cars, houses, expensive clothes and accessories (the cost of his wristwatch might just be equivalent to your annual income🤧). He's that friend people sometimes wonder how you two became close friends in the first place. He might be a Lagos big boy to others, but he really is and will always be a true friend to you and has never made you feel otherwise.
So, once again, Tayo's birthday is around the corner, and you've become restless as usual, because it's always an extreme sport trying to figure out the best gift for him, because it seems like he possesses everything you could think of.
To be honest, giving someone who has everything can be a challenge, but here are a few ideas that might come in handy for you 😉.
1. Act of service/Quality time:
As much as I agree that all gifts deserve to be appreciated regardless of their monetary value, I also think it's unfair to gift people items they'll probably never have a need for. Rather than break a bank just because you want to purchase a gift that meets Tayo's standard, there are tons of other non tangible things that could actually melt his heart . Things that money cannot buy.
You would be surprised to know that people like Tayo are easily moved by the simplest things. Pay attention to his needs, it could be just spending quality time visiting and having a good laugh together. Offering to help with a thing or two he needs to get done, accompanying him to a concert or a spa date to relieve him of all the stress that work brings.
2. Personalized Gifts:

Get creative with your gifting and make something unique just for them. It could be a custom-made piece of artwork, a personalized photo album, a portrait of them, preparing their favorite meal or even a handwritten letter expressing your love and appreciation. Like I always say, customized gifts are one gift that can put a smile on the face of the richest person in the room.
3. Subscription:

Data or Netflix Subscription might not seem like a big deal to an average person, but for some reason, when someone pays for it on one's behalf it feels so good as though a burden was lifted off one's shoulders. Subscription boxes tailored to their interests, like a monthly book subscription, data or Netflix subscription, can be a delightful surprise. Might not seem like much, but it's such a thoughtful gift.
4. Books and journals:

If the recipient is a book lover, this might just be the perfect affordable gift for them. You might want to find out what kind of books catches their fancy and get them one of those.
5. Collection of their favorite items:

Some wealthy people love to collect things. It could be something as trivial as a mug collection, vintage scarf collection or vintage cars.
Whatever it might be, adding to their collection shows how much attention you pay to their needs😌.
6. Charity Donations:

If they truly have everything they need, consider making a donation to a charity or cause they care about. It's a thoughtful gesture that would definitely leave a positive impact.
Remember, the most important thing is to show them that you put thought and effort into the gift. It's not about the price tag, but the sentiment behind it🤗.